Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Here we go again...

Per my usual rant: popular science (not the magazine) running rampant.

See this article: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2009/02/10/oldest-human-hair.html

Human hair found in fossilized hyena dung. Let me pull some quotes from the article.

The researchers then extracted 40 hairs from a single coprolite using fine tweezers. Although amino acid analysis detected no protein, and DNA sampling was not possible, very high magnification revealed that the size and shape of the hairs, along with their distinct cuticular scale patterns, best matched those of human hair.
Since the hair's chemistry was transformed by the animal's digestive process, its natural pigmentation, and whether or not it was originally wavy or straight, cannot be determined at present.

So what can we derive from this?

'First of all, the hair casts left in coprolites not only represent a very early occurrence of human hair, but they also document the fact that hominins were being consumed by hyenas,' explained Susman.

Please note that there ARE other animals whose hair/fur does resemble human hair (google for images, compare). Second note that the hair was not in the best state.

Somehow this all adds up to "ancient human eaten by hyena!"

People, please... if you want to toss out theories that is fine, let's not make them out to be fact. ARGH! This really bugs me.

Enough. I'm done until the next sensationalist article is posted.

Fire and more Fire

Australia is having a time of it right now. It reminds me that here in Arizona we have had a ton of rain. Rain is good, gives us water to drink. Rain is bad, it causes lush growth which, in the heat of the summer, becomes tinder. The prediction for this summer: Lot's of wildfires.

Another kind of fire that I generally want more of is a fire in my soul. Faith is one of those things that, while I always have it, it waxes and wanes in a disconcerting manner.

There are times when the fire in my heart is so hot that I burn through life, and times when it is a grey lump of coal and I sort of sit there, feeling the ashes of my faith float away in the breeze.

I need to go read the Bible.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Congratulations Pittsburgh...

...But even more kudos go to the Cardinals who were part of one of the most exciting Superbowl finishes in the history of football.

The Cardinals showed heart. A lot of heart. And credit Pittsburgh who showed enough heart to win the game with that 2:00 minute drive.