Just thinking back to a recent discussion with friends about our country, who founded it, why it was founded, etc.
Who were the first people to arrive on these shores from Europe? I would say mostly (if not all) Christians. Some came here to escape religious intolerance, some just looking for gold or a new life. But the vast majority of our early citizens, including the men who formed our government and led the rebellion WERE either Christian, or at the very least believed in a higher power. If you are crafting something, as a Christian, God is involved - even if he is not explicitly mentioned or drawn or whatever.
One of the very big considerations while forming our constitution was the idea that they never wanted our government stepping on religion (ie. they wanted no state religion). [Not the other way around, by the way, because everyone brings their ideals to the table in government]. They came up with the idea that the two should be "separate". This is separation of church and state. No formal country-wide religion. That's it. A lot more is made of it these days... too much I think.
I guess this post doesn't have much of a point except to say that this country really WAS founded by Christians (or at least God-fearing men and women) - really, it was unavoidable as Christianity was far more prevalent in that period than it is today.
All that being said I don't want non-Christians to think I am trying to take anything away from them. Not at all. The original idea and principals of this nation are good, solid... while many of us have forgotten who formed them and why we formed a nation around them, they can still work.
God bless you and have a heart-warming Christmas!