Monday, September 14, 2020

People need to be more responsible...

 ...there has been a spate of avian deaths, starting in August and culminating more recently; large numbers of birds have been found dead or dying in New Mexico.

Cue the knee-jerk-single-minded crowd:  "This is devastating. Climate charge is playing a role in this." Desmond said. "We lost 3 billion birds in the US since 1970 and we've also seen a tremendous decline in insects, so an event like this is terrifying to these populations and it's devastating to see."

Please.  People stop speaking when you don't KNOW anything.

Other speculation has to do with the wildfires in California; perhaps the birds attempted to migrate before they were prepared, or the smoke at the higher levels has damaged their lungs and air sacs.  Stuff like that.  Seems more likely that there could be some virus involved since smaller numbers had started mysteriously dying in August before the wild fires took off.

The point is that without studying the pathology of the animals, there is no way to know exactly what caused this.  That work is being done now.  I guess we will find out the truth.

You know what though?  It won't matter.  If you are a fanatic regarding global warming, no matter WHAT actually caused the birds to perish, the source will be attributed somehow to global warming.  I harbor no belief that if it is proven that some disease killed them, that the people who blame their favorite cause won't continue to do so...

Saturday, September 12, 2020

On Bad Drivers and the Mystery of God's Love

 I don't go around breaking the 10 commandments, but I KNOW that I do things DAILY that run against the very nature of God.  And those things are "sin."  That is what sin basically is... performing acts, having thoughts, etc. that run against the nature of God.  Not here to argue about what God's nature is, you can do your own research on love, justice and objective good.

One of my issues is anger.  I really do lose my temper too frequently.  Today is one such day.  And despite knowing anger is wrong, I will still try to justify it.  LOL!  But that is HUMAN nature, not a sanctified nature.  It is a worldly response.  Anywho...

I had to run to the pet store today.  The pet store is in a large plaza with large parking lots that have main thoroughfares through them.  Where ever a parking lot aisle meets a main thoroughfare there is a STOP SIGN.  BIG RED STOP SIGNS ARE EVERYWHERE except on the MAIN THOROUGHFARES.

Twice THIS WEEK ALONE I have had near misses because people who cannot be bothered to slow down and stop RUN THE STOP SIGNS and cross the main roads.  TWICE in one week.  Happened today.  I almost followed the person to beat the living daylights out of him, but thankfully I started praying immediately...  my prayer started with something like "AS GOD IS MY WITNESS I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU CAN LOVE ANY OF US BECAUSE I FOR ONE WANT TO DESTROY EVERY LAST HUMAN IN EXISTENCE!"

Yes, I was a little angry.  That led me to pray about the mystery of God's love for us... I mean, I would not even say I am the worst human in the world but surely I am unlovable from God's perspective.  And that's the thing.  He even loves those idiots who nearly creamed me twice this week because they cannot be bothered to have any consideration for laws or for common driving sense.  I want to kill them, He loves them.  And me.  He loves me.

That is a huge mystery.  Not only that he loves us, but that he loves us SO MUCH that he died for us.  He inserted the God-head into His creation as flesh and blood.  He experienced everything we experience and then, to pay for all the evil WE do on a daily basis, he allowed himself to take the sin of the world upon himself as he was tortured and killed.  He became the perfect sacrifice for all sin, for all time.  Every single person in the world has access to that forgiveness.  Every single person.  Even a murderer on death row has access to this gift.  Not everyone takes it.  I am also amazed by that.  Why wouldn't you take such a freely given gift?  People thing "oh I need to change my lifestyle."

Well, your lifestyle probably SHOULD change.  I know mine should.  Some pieces of it have, but I still have a long way to go to shrug off the day to day sinnery I churn up.  But thing about what it means, seriously.  What about your life has to change, really?  It is MORE about loving other people (which as you can see I miserably fail at quite frequently) than it is about you becoming a perfect human.  Little secret...  you will never be perfect.  Ever.  Hence God's sacrifice.

Anyway, if you read this and you drive a car... DRIVE RIGHT for my sake and yours.