Tarantulas have a certain grace about them as well as aesthetic beauty in their shape, color and other interesting physical attributes. I have 10 tarantulas, having just picked up two new ones (which are adorable).
My two new Ts (short for tarantulas, if you didn't get that) are tree tarantulas. One is an Aviculara metallica (metallic pink toe) and the other is the Psalmopoeus irminia (Sun Tiger). As with other tree tarantulas (like my Aviculara versicolor, Zippy Bling Bling) they have graceful legs with their tarsal and metatarsal segments having a wider than normal appearance. It makes them look like they have big feet. I know it sounds silly but this feature makes them look almost cartoon-like and gives you this disarming feeling about them. They are cute. Arboreal Ts are also fuzzy. All Ts are fuzzy, but the arboreals are EXTRA fuzzy which adds to their charm.
Yeah, they are cool animals, tarantulas; each one has a unique personality too. I'll write more about their individual personalities later.
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