i have a thought.. Barrack is a socialist, anti american muslim. His hatred for this country, constition are second to none. In his home stat IL a father shot an scum bag home invader just after tucking his kids into bed. he father gets arrested for shooting the low life. The state legislater tries to write new legislation to help the father and ... Read Moreprotect american familes from future breakins from degenerate crooks. barrack HUSSAIN (i'm not a muslim) yobama (his name doesn't deserve to be capitalized) voted down this legislature 4 SEPERATE TIMES! barrack would rather you lay down and have your childer slaughterd and property stolen then given the right to be an AMERICAN and defend yourself. This radical muslim should be SHOT. We have a patriotic duty to defend out constition from all enimies both foriegn and domestic. there is not greater threat to the WORLD WIDE EMULATED way of life then this racist muslim (i'm a christian yet i sat and listend to the Rev. jeremaih wrong for 20 years) loser.This is the kind of stuff that really frightens me. This is the kind of thing that the left rails against as the "religious right" and what I sometimes get automatically wrapped into simply because I am Christian. This is not reasonable, it is not Christian.
On another note, I feel badly for atheists of late, not because of their lack of faith, but because they have their own clown in their corner: Christopher Hitchens. Has anyone seen any of his recent debates? They are ridiculous. He seems to show up under the influence of alcohol, and instead of debating with his opponents he simply tosses off insults and sarcastic retorts which are, I assume, meant to be funny. That man needs to find God.
Atheists have to find someone better to represent their position.
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