Friday, August 17, 2012

The Trouble With Tribbles and Other Demons

As I grow older I've come to realize that demons come in all shapes and sizes.  I believe I have identified most of my weaknesses, the things that I do that I know are wrong, but I still haven't mastered them, nor have I managed to spot and eliminate the triggers before they've already been triggered.

I think the BIGGEST issue is my trouble with tribbles.  Almost everyone gets the Star Trek reference, the adorable, fluffy always purring creatures who are born pregnant and eat everything in sight that is edible... and somehow manage to get into every nook and cranny and innocently mess up whatever it is they have filled with their offspring.  People can't resist them...  they have an almost magical draw, despite knowing what they can do.

I have demons that draw me in like that.  You know you shouldn't, you struggle with it, but sometimes still give in and do what's wrong.  Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of "victories" but don't want ANY defeats.

I remember being sick in bed for 3 days and one day I caught a television show that reminded me I am not alone in my struggles.  A catholic priest had a TV show and the topic was recurring sin.  He treated the subject well, and didn't sugar coat it, neither did he offer a final solution.  Basically we all struggle with recurring sin, often something that continually drags us down (not constantly, but from time to time) over our lifetime.  It's ours.  It's a struggle we have to deal with through prayer, behavioral change, studying scripture for insight (and meditating on the word).  He said to be prepared to never completely shake those demons, but take heart in the struggle, as it really can be used to hone your faith, and never give up.

I don't plan on giving up!  The gift we've received is far too precious.

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