Saturday, August 3, 2013

2 Songs

There are two songs that I can think of off the top of my head that make me tear up.  There is actually a third song that causes me to tear up but I forget the title, it's a hymn, it might be "As the Deer Pants".  One of those songs was part of a Wednesday night class and it was used to introduce the topic of the importance of parenting.

The two songs that really get to me are "The Cat's In The Cradle" and "The Little Drummer Boy".  I know everyone can understand why the former causes me to tear up, but the latter?  I am not sure if I can explain it well but let me try.  I'll start with a summary of the lyrics:

I am a poor boy too
I have no gift to bring
That's fit to give the king
Shall I play for You
On my drum?
I played my drum for Him
I played my best for Him
Then He smiled at me
Me and my drum

I guess what it is is this:  Here's a boy who feels he has nothing to offer, he owns nothing but a drum.  He does the only thing he CAN do for the King, and that's to play on his drum which he does and it pleases the King.  To me this is a song of hope and redemption.  The boy has nothing to give to God, indeed none of has anything to offer to God that isn't already his, including our possessions.  One thing he can do is to offer up his heart, in this case his music which was the thing in life he most enjoyed and what defined him, to God, and that is what pleased God.

So, a poor boy comes before God, who owns nothing, has nothing to offer anyone and he knows it.  How can he honor the creator of the universe?  What can he possibly do, what can he possibly give to He who literally has it ALL.  He can play his drum.  He makes music for God.  And God smiles back at him.

I know I am not explaining myself well, certainly not well enough to convey what I am feeling by the time "Then He smiled at me" is sung, and tears are streaming down my cheeks.  God loves us all.  He doesn't love us for our "gold" or "incense"... He loves His children because we ARE His children, his creation.  We have a choice, to love Him back or ignore Him.  And what we have to give him is OUR love.  Prayers, praise, song, dance, helping others, loving others or simply taking in nature are all ways of showing our love for Him, and making Him smile back at us.

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