Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Start8 and ModernMix

I've used Stardock applications since the mid-90's when I ran OS/2.  They are useful applications and I still use them.  But I have to say that Start8 and ModernMix are something of a mixed bag.  While their functionality is much appreciated (in fact, the next major Windows 8 update will be providing similar functionality and Windows 9 will improve upon those) both Start8 and ModernMix have caused visual glitches and irregularities and have performed inconsistently while they were installed.

You can guess by my wording that I have uninstalled them and reverted to standard Windows 8.1 functionality, but I DO miss them and am now looking forward to the Windows 8.1 SP, or whatever it will be called, that restores the start menu and enables ModernUI applications to run in windows on the desktop.

The glitches I noticed where that sometimes the Windows Key mapping was lost and the standard Windows start screen would activate, instead of Start8.  Other issues were weird flickers and (very quick) window resizing in regards to ModernUI applications running in windowed mode.

Without these two apps installed everything is once again smooth and silky.  No visual glitches, hesitations and of course since there is no start screen interception, it works as expected.

I do still use other Stardock/Object Desktop applications.  I like Launch8 (which places a Mac OS X - like dock in the Windows start screen), Decor8, which allows me to customize the start screen background and a couple other minor applications having to do with eye candy.

Zookeeper out.

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