Friday, September 29, 2017

Recent Reading

So while I still hearken back to amazing old sci-fi and fantasy writers I have had a difficult task in trying to find books from modern authors that I like.

Fortunately I have kids who like to read and I have actually found that I prefer some of the stories written for older children/younger teens than a lot of the tripe out there for adult readers.

There are two series (final book in one coming out in November) that I have read in the past couple of weeks:
1) Keepers of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger...
2) ...and the Pegasus series by Kate O'Hearn

Both stories are sort of based in Mythology.  Keepers focuses on a girl who finds out she is an elf who was raised by humans and watched over by a mysterious group of "rebel" elves for a greater purpose.

The Pegasus series focuses on a girl who, through the ages, had the power of the Olympians passed on to her through her maternal line.  It is awakened at one point and a number of adventures ensue.

What I like about the stories is that they contain a certain innocence.  They focus on love, honor, friendship.  They are action stories and both feature strong female roles which tends to be a rarity.  They address current societal issues without being preachy as well, but they are very well done and enjoyable reads.  So much so that we are meeting the author for the final book in the Keepers series in November, and I have ordered/pre-ordered the new Valkyrie series from Kate O'Hearn.

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