Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Life in general...

Life has been busy, in general.  Home life, work life; I am in solitary mode.  Basically when I just get too much of the world I want to hide all of the time.  Not particularly good for my family but...  they love me and I hope understand.

My son's play is almost done, ends this week.  I am hoping he is able to take a few months away from acting to take a breather. 

As always, regarding my home computer, I have fallen back to MXLinux.  Really is a fine distro.  I had tried a number of 3 day flirtations with other distributions, like Fedora, Manjaro, LinuxMint, Solus again, and a few others.  MX just seems to be rock solid.  It does, however, suffer from the same malaise as many other distros do, and that is screen locking when watching YouTube Videos.  Seems random, not dependent on how long I've been watching (does not seem memory-related).  So, I just don't watch many YouTube videos, or now just expect a failure.

Oddly enough, I don't remember a single freeze when I was using Fedora.  The only thing I can put forth as a reason is that with Fedora I had to install NVidia drivers manually... installing supporting software, configuring startup settings, etc.  For the other distros I use, they tend to have an automated method of installing NVidia proprietary drivers, which I gladly use because it is so much more simple.  Could that be the issue?  Some strange thing going on with the automated NVidia driver install?  Who knows.

I've been playing a lot of Borderlands 2 lately, while I hide from the world.  It took me weeks, but I finally got past the first major "boss" in the game.  Squeaked by with just a tiny bit of life left!  I was able to beat the robot using the Mechromancer class.  Since I had success there I decided to go back, level up a Siren as best I could, and give it a try with her.  We shall see...


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