I won't say much about politics but, much as Jesus warned about how belief in Him would turn families inside out because some members simply would not understand or tolerate difference, much the same could be said about the political state of our union.
And I will stop there.
POP! Wow, I just realized that it has been a stealthy 3 weeks of Pop!_os. The operating system as just stayed out of my way. I have been pleasantly surprised that I have suffered the dreaded "freeze" only twice (watching youtube videos seems to wreak havoc somewhere low-level, causing the system to die) over the past month, so that is good.
Updates have occurred regularly and without issue. I have made it a practice to reboot whenever it seems like a major library or GUI or Kernel-related file is touched. That seems to work out fine.
All in all I still find the distro to be attractive, clean, functional. It feels well-worn and comfortable.
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