Well you know me by now... can't settle down for anything. I have been back on Fedora (I have been flipping back and forth between Pop_OS! and Fedora for awhile now) for a couple of weeks. The terrible GNOME visual eye candy performance drove me crazy and, as I have noted in a previous web log entry, Fedora is vastly superior in that regard.
So I installed and configured Fedora 29, using a grey theme, easy on the eyes (similar to MX Linux greybird theme), got Nvidia going, got PlayOnLinux, Steam and other tools that I like to use up and running. But... I am always looking at odd new distros. Today my three choices were Slackware, SolydK and KaOS.
I've run all of these for at least a day at some point in time. A LONG time ago I ran Slackware on a machine with Gnome 2 or something like that. But, Slackware is nice, but it is work and I am lazy, but it was nice to see it booted fine off my thumb drive! Solyd might be a solid distro, but it did not work very well on my hardware. KaOS...
Well I had tried KaOS over a year ago and thought "this is a nice distro!" My problem with it then was its come-hell-or-high-water-we-will-only-be-64-bits mantra. And honestly I get it, the keeper/developer worked HARD to make a gorgeous, usable KDE distro unlike any other. When I say gorgeous I mean GORGEOUS! Very nice to look at. But even better than that... it supports flatpak. Yes, you can install flatpak on KaOS and (if you are not familiar with flatpak) because of that you can now use any application in the flatpak library. STEAM is one of those. In fact in a previous incarnation of Fedora I ran a flatpak version of Steam! Not only that, Wine 64 runs on KaOS and really, my favorite game runs on 64 bit Wine... so, while I might not have PlayOnLinux to install it on KaOS, I should be able to figure out how to manually install my game through Wine.
This means that if I WANT to switch over to KaOS, nothing is really holding me back. I need to think about it though as Fedora is a very good Gnome/Gtk based linux distribution.
Ahhh the FUEL part. Nothing to do with Linux really. I ordered some gasoline additive that is supposed to raise your octane points over 10! And I mean 10 Octane as you read it at the pump, not octane points... it raises over 100 of them.
My gas tank is down to about 1/2. I figure I will use a little more up tomorrow and add this to my tank and fill it with regular unleaded. That should get me over 95 octane easily. I am curious to see how my engine tuner responds to that. I thought about going with 91 octane + the additive but, that seems like overkill++.
Also, I have narrowed down my "hesitation" issue. It happens usually when accelerating half-heartedly between 40 and 50 miles per hour... I believe the tuner I have on confuses the transmission somehow... so unless I am mashing it or just driving plain-jane style around that speed the engine starts up-down-up-down shifting, or just stops shifting and almost seems to get stuck in neutral. It is a bizarre thing.
Good night!
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