Global warming is still of primary concern to politicians, world-wide.
And Still I wonder, why?
Based on the amount of greenhouse gasses we are putting in the atmosphere, yes, we can affect the current glaciation period (that is right, we are still in a period of glaciation, an ice age) and extend the current period of non-advancement of glaciation.
First though, let's be clear: we are in an ice age. Ice ages end. Naturally. At that point all the same fears that are being shared by politicians and environmental activists WILL happen whether we like it or not. An ice period on Earth is indicated by having permanent ice. Currently we have 10% permanent ice coverage on our planet and we are in an inter-glaciation period. In other words the glaciers have receded, but as they did several times in the past 2 million years, they will advance again. CO2 and Methane are two of the greenhouse gasses we have been pouring into the atmosphere, methane being the more powerful of the two. While atmospheric gasses are PART of the equation, there is adequate indication that it is not the ONLY aspect of the planetary temperature cycle.
ANYWAY... for the periods from the pre-Triassic through to just 2.7 million years ago, we were in a state of non-glaciation... in other words the Earth was pretty much free of permanent ice. Yeah, it affects sea levels, it affects the weather, but it does not mean we are all going to die. The action of spreading information in order to manipulate people and governments is FUD: Fear, Uncertainty and Dread. It is a purposeful effort to control and manipulate behavior in people other than the one's spreading the FUD.
As I have said before, I am not against cleaning up pollution... there are far better and more immediate concerns with pollution: species extinction, poisons that cause illness and genetic damage. These are evident in the declining amphibian numbers, and in the increase in respiratory illness in people. These are just TWO things... there are many more. And they are presenting right now. Global warming will make it a pain for coastal cities at some point, but global warming in and of itself is not a poison, it is just a pain. Some people claim it will foster spreading if disease, etc. But that would occur with carrier migration, and in this current day and age, that is moot since humans travel all around the world, all the time. We are our own worst enemy... and in the end, disease will ALWAYS be with us. As micro-organisms continue to evolve to survive, we will keep getting sick...
Alright, I guess I have ranted enough.