I am trying to line up at least 4 cruiser lines at tier IX before I make my massive push to tier X cruisers.
Right now I have the RIGA, DRAKE, and BRINDISI. I am currently working on the British LIGHT cruiser line. I am up to the tier VII Fiji.
The Fiji has been a LOT of fun and I think I am going to earn my XP from playing the Fiji, and then upgrade/buy the Edinburgh but KEEP the Fiji. That is how much fun the Fiji has been.
The British Light Cruiser line have only one type of ammunition, armor piercing (AP). Because of this some people shy away, because in order to do decent damage you need to hunt for broadsides, or be able to rain down shells vertically. This makes it slightly more difficult than being able to switch to high explosive (HE) shells which, while lacking penetration, deal fire damage and really do a lot of damage to destroyers (DDs).
But something I think that is overlooked is that the British AP has excellent penetration angles AND a short fuse. In other words it can be used against cruisers and destroyers and result in fewer over penetrations than other nation's AP rounds.
Anyway, I am having fun and that is what counts.