I was a fan of Solus OS years ago.
Unfortunately the main driving force behind that distro suddenly "up and left." He disappeared for quite awhile only to reappear announcing a "new linux OS" he was working on.
Now he is pushing how wonderful this new linux distro will be (and no doubt it WILL be wonderful) but ... when will he tire of this project? When will he decide "oh I've had enough again" and drop it like a red hot coal?
This is often what makes or breaks a linux distro. Solus has seen little development (or interest) in at least one, maybe two years now. But for regular people who just want an OS they can be comfortable and rely on for years to come, this is what makes linux a difficult choice. There is no stability. About the only distros you can "count on" are debian and Ubuntu. Right now any linux users/developers are angrily shaking their fist at me saying "then spin your own!" or "then contribute more!", etc. Yes that is yet another issue. The main support you find for any linux questions are in forums run by 20+ year old programmers or children who angrily attack you if you "ask a question that is could easily be resolved if you review the source code comments" or some such nonsense.
Face it: the linux eco-system is unprofessional and toxic. On the other hand I do love linux, being somewhat of an OS connoisseur myself. I still have my OS/2 and BeOS disks lying around somewhere. And an open source unix-like operating system with a wide choice of UIs and nearly infinite possible configurations is rather enticing.
Torture. Self-torture.
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