My little runt of a standard Schnauzer is now over a year old. She is the love of my life but... lately she is bored out of her gourde and she has been going after my shoes. It has been a YEAR and now all of a sudden she is messing with my shoes. I've caught her and scolded her 3 times in the past couple of days. Doesn't seem to be sinking into her thick little skull that she shouldn't be touching them.
Outside of this little issue she has been behaving very well so... I am not sure where to go with this. I hate scolding her. Anyway, she is my little monster but she is such an incredible little dog. I say little. She is a standard schnauzer whose father was a 50 pounder, and the mother not far behind. But she is not even 30 pounds and about an inch shorter than the "standard" says she should be.
In some ways that is nice, she is a little easier to handle. :) In other ways it is touch because she has the heart of a much larger dog and at the dog park she wants to play with all the big boys. And they enjoy playing with her but she gets trounced pretty regularly (I don't mean aggression, I mean in a chase, and they trip on her, they send her flying). But I just caught her dragging one of my shoes off and gave her a good start... but I can bet real money that she will do it again.
I will have to find a better, higher place to put my shoes so she cannot easily get to them. Little booger.
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