Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I have a problem...

Oh yes, I have a problem. My problem is my pokie.

I hear you ask "Your WHAT?!" A pokie is an ornamental Tarantula from the Indian subcontinent (for the most part). My particular pokie is a Poecilotheria regalis. He/She is a beauty too. Pokies are known for three things: 1. They are very very fast; 2. They are very defensive and 3. Their venom is particularly painful to people. Pokie movement is often attributed to "teleporting." Now you see it, now you don't. Their defensiveness tends to manifest itself in bites if one is not careful and relaxed. Finally, from bite reports i have read, their venom causes muscle spasms that lasts for days.

So what's my problem? My pokie has been eating very well and has molted several times since I purchased her. She has grown much more than I expected with each molt. The problem is: I need to move her into a larger cage.

When I first got her home, I moved her into her current cage with some difficulty. I wanted her to march right into her new home, she did not want to march into her new home. After several tries I managed to get her into her new cage and was able to slam the lid shut before she could zip right back out (again). Now she is several times the size, and no doubt can cover a lot of ground with her long legs, and she is manifesting more defensive behavior now that she is older. I fear that I am doomed.

I have been putting of moving her, but it really has to be done. I will figure something out. I could try refrigerating her for a little while, that would cool her off and slow her down quite a bit. But I also don't want to harm her. *sigh* Any suggestions out there?

1 comment:

Mitch said...

Ick! I should grammar check before I post!