Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ubuntu 23.10 and AMD RX 7800 XT and Wayland

I have been avoiding Wayland like the plague, mostly because my previous graphic card was an Nvidia 2060 SUPER...  and I read nightmare stories regarding Nvidia and Wayland.

It was time to upgrade my system (see previous entry) so I purchased an AMD 7800 XT with 16 GB of VRAM.  I was worried about this purchase as well because of the crazy forum back and forth attacks between fanbois ... and NVidia users tend to outnumber AMD users.  I decided to ignore those forums and picked up (based on actual testing by several different groups) the AMD card.  One bonus to that is that Linux tend to work more closely with AMD in regards to drivers (kernel supported).

I expected Ubuntu to self-implode when I swapped out the cards (again, because that's what SO MANY people said on the forums) but...  I installed the card, rebooted, and BOOM.  Came right up.  AND it came up automatically running Wayland.  I then fired up several non-steam games and several steam games and everything worked perfectly.

I have NOT attempted to install the 24.04 LTS yet, I will wait I think until the first point release or so, if I do it at all.  Right now 23.10 has been very very good to me.  No issues.

Anyway, just wanted to update about my old PC running Ubuntu, and with my new GPU.

For your pleasure:

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