Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We scratch the surface

Sometimes we react to what we see and hear people around us doing, and often we don't like what we see and hear, so the reaction isn't always pleasant. We often rush to judgement (hey, we've lived a long time, seen a lot of things, we can interpolate the scarce, sensory data we receive quite effectively, yes?)

Sometimes it really isn't that simple. Sometimes we are seeing the result of a long process. Eruptions from pent up steam. The point is, we are interpreting another person's actions from scant minutes or even seconds of observation of behavior that could be the end result of a lot of misery, pain, or even joy.

Walk in someone else's shoes before feeling the need to comment on their behavior, demeanor or beliefs, or better yet, just don't comment at all - at least not without reflection (and prayer in my case) and contemplation.

If you are able, find something positive to say, if you are not able to find anything positive to say, swallow it. Keep the black where it belongs: in your heart. (And work like hell to get it out some other way).

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