Thursday, April 4, 2019

Work and 4 years later...

If you read my blog back in June and July of 2014 you will what I was going through in regards to work.

I had lost a job of 14+ years and then, a miracle, found a job immediately.  I stayed there for about a year but the commute was murder.  I am convinced it would have been the death of me eventually in the form of some blazing wreck.

I then took a Job with the company I am currently with and have been for 4 years.  Unfortunately for me my tech knowledge has waned since the job is more administrative and more about leadership than putting your head down and pounding away at the keyboard.

I miss coding.

I have to say though despite hard times at my current position that it has not been BAD for me.  It has been... different, and not necessarily what I wanted.  Still, the people I work with are great and I do still get to hack away at some python programming from time to time.

I encourage anyone who is seeking a career change to pray about it.  I did before I lost my job in 2014 and God forced my hand as an answer to an ongoing prayer.  Now, it isn't exactly what *I* might have wanted but... it has been good for me.

Pop_OS! and silence

I haven't heard much about Pop in the "news" lately.  But it has been silently updated with some of the latest and greatest versions of software.  It has been very solid for me lately, nary a freeze (knock on wood) and I feel as though somehow the font rendering is even better than it has been.

Anyway, it is a new quarter so I downloaded a bunch of Linux-based distros and stuck them on sticks and booted into them to see how they were.  Prepare yourself for my completely scientific and rigorously methodical analysis of each...

Elementary was flaky for me.  Perhaps an install to hardware would have been better but... it had a couple of minor issues.

Solus seemed pretty solid, but oddly enough I did not find myself attracted to it as I once was.  I guess I will keep an eye on it.

I downloaded a KDE spin of MX Linux.  It ran well but the version of KDE was a good bit behind.  Still, it worked well. 

I downloaded Zorin, it was... uninspiring.

Neon, I like.  It is pretty nice but... there are some restrictions.  I downloaded Bodhi 5 but did not try it yet, and I also downloaded "stretch" and "buster" to try.  Have not gotten to them yet.

That's it for now.