Monday, November 1, 2021

The British CL line...

 I am trying to line up at least 4 cruiser lines at tier IX before I make my massive push to tier X cruisers.

Right now I have the RIGA, DRAKE, and BRINDISI.  I am currently working on the British LIGHT cruiser line.  I am up to the tier VII Fiji.

The Fiji has been a LOT of fun and I think I am going to earn my XP from playing the Fiji, and then upgrade/buy the Edinburgh but KEEP the Fiji.  That is how much fun the Fiji has been.

The British Light Cruiser line have only one type of ammunition, armor piercing (AP).   Because of this some people shy away, because in order to do decent damage you need to hunt for broadsides, or be able to rain down shells vertically.  This makes it slightly more difficult than being able to switch to high explosive (HE) shells which, while lacking penetration, deal fire damage and really do a lot of damage to destroyers (DDs).

But something I think that is overlooked is that the British AP has excellent penetration angles AND a short fuse.  In other words it can be used against cruisers and destroyers and result in fewer over penetrations than other nation's AP rounds.

Anyway, I am having fun and that is what counts.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

A new favorite ship? Rochester

 I haven't gone far up the American cruiser or battleship line.  I feel like while they can hit hard and have excellent penetration angles for their shells, they are slow and glompy.  New word, glompy.

I cannot be without American ships though, being patriotic and what-not.  So months ago I picked up the Indianapolis (tier VII cruiser) and found it to be very hard-hitting for its tier.  The 203's (8 inch) wreak havoc, but the reload time is somewhat slow.

I had no tier VIII American ships so I decided to research and pick one.  In the end it came down to the Baltimore/New Orleans variants, but which one?  I narrowed it down to the Wichita and the Rochester.

I did some research, watched videos from Carlos Carlito and Flamu and some others, looked at the back and forth arguments in the forums.  I love that the Baltimore, Wichita, and Rochester are all slightly different in their balance and game play.  In the end I went with Rochester because I was intrigued by the smoke, and the decent concealment numbers.  The reload was nerfed from Baltimore and Wichita, but not too much, and firing from smoke, or having Adrenaline Rush sort of makes up for it in heated battle.  The hull is basically the same as Baltimore and Wichita, so if you angle a little, you can take a lot of fire without serious damage.  But, you get caught broadside and between the fore and aft main turrets, at water level, BOOM!  So there is that.

I don't know why, but the first time I played this ship I was in love with it.  And for no reason I can put my finger on.  I have been playing her only in co-op mode and I don't think I have broken 30,000 damage with her.  Meanwhile I can reap 100,000 in my Mainz or my Ochakov pretty easily.

It's not like I don't help the team!  I can sink at least 2 enemy bot ships per game and when she hits a ship she does excellent damage.  No, I am trying to figure it out... I *think* it might be the fact that I tend to find a spot and smoke up.  In co-op it is a race to clobber anything and everything.  Just run and gun.  When I smoke up and sit, all the ships around me just keep on chasing and shooting.  That's all I can figure.  The second issue with smoking up is that the Rochester's smoke lasts a long time, and becomes a comfortable haven.

So I think that is what it might be.  I am probably going to go into a few matches today and NOT smoke at all, and just sail about whomping whoever I can.

But I really do like this ship and am glad I went that way.  I had been on the fence... American cruiser or the Irian?  I already have a few tier VIII Russian cruisers (Bagration, Ochakov) and have worked my way up to the tier IX Riga... so I leaned American and have not been disappointed.  I ended up with a Baltimore with slower reload and smoke.  A nice ship indeed!

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Bayard, Riga and Drake

 I picked up another premium, the French cruiser Bayard.  I really like her, she reminds me a lot of the Mainz, at least I play her like that.  She has 152, fire setting with decent penetration and pretty rapid reload.  So she is good at hanging back and spamming fire.  But if you get a decent broadside, her AP does significant damage!

I leveled my Russian cruiser line up, picking up the Riga (tier IX Russian heavy cruiser).  Riga is pretty beastly, especially with her AP.  Her armor is good for bow tanking or even kiting away.  You can get smashed by a BB if you are broadsided though.

Finally, I also leveled up my British cruiser line.  I went from the Albemarle to the Drake.  The Drake is definitely a better ship and I am looking forward to the tier X Goliath...  Drake's HE is so good that you don't even need to switch to AP for cruisers and destroyers.  It is devastating.  And the HE is good to set those pesky battleships and carriers on fire as well.

I will continue to play the Drake to get the B hull, then switch back to my premium tier VIIIs to garner XP to level up my next line.  I think I will level up the Italian line, Amalfi to Brindisi.  It isn't much of an upgrade... really just adds a 4th turret.  Everything else is pretty much the same.  After that I am not sure.  I need to level up another line so that I can win a gift from wargaming for getting 4 (or maybe it was 5) tier X ships from the main tech tree.

OH!  As an after thought, I also picked up the Cossack, a British premium destroyer.  It is a pretty nice little ship, again, helpful for farming XP.

That's all for now...

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


 So my Russian BB (Battleship), Borodino, has been instrumental in me farming XP to upgrade my Japanese DDs (Destroyers).  I think I have mentioned her in previous posts.  Love this ship.  Making her better by recently focusing in getting her reload time down.

Her normal main battery reload time is 31 seconds.  31 seconds is a loooooong time between shots, especially when you only have 6 rifles and very often only achieve one penetration out of 3 hits.  AND you are surrounded (which should never happen if you are a good player, I am obviously NOT a good player) by enemy ships that want to chew you up.

I decided to forego stealth and am focusing on her main batteries.  I have chosen a captain skill that decreases her reload time by 16% if a single enemy ship is within range of your secondaries.  I also picked a skill that for every 1% of damage you take, improves reload time by 0.2%.  Next thing I will take is the skill that will extend my secondary range by 20%!  That means at around 10K out any enemy ship will trigger my fast reload.  Now suppose I take some hits, my HP is brought down to 50%... that will decrease my reload time by ANOTHER 10%.  In theory I can get my reload times down to 25 seconds (actually more like 24).  That is faster than some cruisers at higher tiers.

Anyway, I will be using my Boro to grind for the Shimi I am after over the next 2 weeks.  Maybe I will get closer to leveling up my captain and get closer to being able to pick up the next skill I want.


 I might have mentioned previously that in order to complete a (long and arduous) campaign, I found out (when I unlocked the final step) that I needed a tier X destroyer!  Not just any, had to be British, American or Japanese.  Well, I am not much of a destroyer player, but I liked the early tier IJN destroyers so I happened to have one lying around.

Since that time, I have been grinding like a madman to get XP and silver coins to upgrade through the IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy) destroyer tree.  I have used my tier VIII cruisers and BBs to accomplish most of this, and some using the destroyers themselves.

ANYWAY...  I made it to tier IX!!!  Very exciting.  Took me a week though.  I imagine since at every tier the requirements virtually double, that this will take another 2 weeks before I can upgrade to the Shimikaze.  This ship, the Yumugo, with stealth upgrade and stealth captain ability, is pretty darn sneaky.  It's torpedoes are 10K range, my concealment us something like 5.4K range.  So I am able to settle in, set up where I know ships will come, and just lay out a wall of torps.

It's firepower is decent too.  I have killed several other destroyers with main batteries alone, and even killed cruisers with a combination of torpedoes and main batteries.  Decent ship.

The Shimikaze (on paper anyway) looks to be a MONSTER.  It has a torpedo rating of 60 out of a hundred!!  That is exceptional... since basically 95% of the torpedo boats out there have between 15 and 25 as a torpedo rating.  These torpedoes must be photon torpedoes or something.  :)

Anyway, its main batteries are actually cruiser-level guns...  I mean everything about this "destroyer" really screams light cruiser++.  So I will grind and grind over the next 2 weeks and hope to obtain this Shimi.  I usually sell my previous level ships... I don't know though.  The Yumu is the last "traditional" destroyer as the tier X Shimi is something entirely different.

Friday, September 3, 2021

The Tiger

 This ship is... I don't know.  I knew I wanted her the moment I laid eyes on her.  I often make silly, spur of the moment decisions like that.  But I have to say, for all the naysayers, this ship, very much like the Ochokov, is a hoot to play.

It is British light cruiser... so "squishy" as they say.  But if you play her cautiously, use islands, and make sure you are never the primary target, this is another fun ship to play.  It reloads every 3.2 seconds and has special, British AP rounds.  The bad news is you ONLY have AP rounds and you ONLY have 2 turrets of 2 rifles!!  You have NO torpedos.

This ship really requires some patience as while the AP shells have a short fuse and pretty consistently deal damage, the damage is somewhat low, and you really just have to pepper ships with shells.  That is why it has that 3.2 reload.

That probably sounds stressful to many people, now that I read what I wrote, but it really can be fun, since it is a challenge.  Team mates might not feel that way.  LOL!  She is pretty quick, very accurate but with interesting ballistics, her turrets rotate SO fast that they ALWAYS stay on target; they also rotate 365 degrees.

Like I said, I knew I wanted her the moment I laid eyes on her.  She is short and stubby, little armor, few offensive weapons... but still fun to play.  I would probably NOT use her in an operation where as much damage as you can deal in as short amount of time you can is what is important.  But pretty much anywhere else I can see that she would have benefits.  She has radar, can annoy ships with constant stream of shells... etc.

This is a ship I would not recommend unless you are up for a bit of a challenge and not concerned with high scores.

The Ochakov

 Read Little White Mouse's review of this ship.

It really is delicate... it can be wiped out in one good shot from a cruiser or battleship.

But wow... it is very much fun to play.  The weapon reloads are good, the guns are small caliber (slightly larger than the Munchen and Mainz) and they do decent damage.  I will attribute that to "russian guns".  For whatever reason, Russian rifles are pretty solid.  These are accurate and pretty annoying to other ships.  This ship is also pretty stealthy and has some nice bonus abilities.

But really, the fun is in not being hit and hitting the enemy.  Being sneaky is your best bet, and if you are caught out, angle away as best you can.  Be aware a direct hit to the bow or stern can be devastating.  Otherwise, you should be able to survive... the other problem is she is NOT super speedy so, again, be careful.

Some people who play this ship hate it because it takes persistence and it all often ends in sudden death.  Some love it.  I fall in the second category... it is a lot of fun to play and I play it a lot.  Torps are decent for Russian torps as well!


The Mainz

 Remember what I said about the Munchen?  The Mainz is the big sister to the Munchen.  Instead of 8 rifles, she sports 12.  Instead of light cruiser armor, she sports HEAVY cruiser armor!

Everything else is pretty much the same.  Her weapons are the same (shows you how effective they are for such small caliber weapons) as the Munchen, just more of them.  This is a Tier VIII ship, which means you COULD potentially face Tier X ships.  Even so, I have had a number of matches in that scenario and if you play a little cautiously, the Mainz will survive and contribute!

The Munchen

This ship is a little overpowered.

I can say this because, honestly, I am not a good player of this game.  My skills should be higher than they are for all the matches I've played, all the video's I've watched, etc.

But this Tier VII German Light Cruiser is pretty powerful.  Even in my hands.

I should note that it DOES have weaknesses.  You take a broad side from the right ship and it is all over.  On the other hand, if you can kite or island hop, this ship is devastating.  Seriously.  The reload time is quick, the HE is "special" and has a high penetration, making it deadly for hitting many ships in the right spots... not only does good damage but sets them on fire too.  The AP is even good as well, but to be honest, I rarely switch to AP on this ship.

If you are high or middle tier in a match, you are pretty much guaranteed to have a good and fun match.  Even if you are low-tier, you will still be able to wreak a little havoc.

If you are looking for a premium ship that won't let you down (just remember it is lightly armored) this is one.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

World of Warships

 So... been a little addicted to this game of late.  Discovered it a couple of months ago and my son and I have been playing it ever since.

I am not good at this game, I will be the first to admit this.  I do, however, ENJOY the game and play it frequently.  There are two types of ships in this game:  regular and premium (sounds like gasoline).  Regular ships are chains of ships you can gain/purchase by gaining XP and also coins (won after each match).  There are multiple branches (countries/regions) you can pursue, and each one generally has several classes of ships you can research and purchase (destroyers, cruisers, battleships and now also carriers and submarines are coming).

Sometimes a type will split, such as light cruisers and heavy cruisers... destroyers and even American battleships do the same.

That being said my favorite lines have been the Russians, the French and the Italians.  At least for regular ships.  I have also purchased a number of premium ships!  These are, more often than not, German, British or Russian.  I am going to list out my favorite premium ships and describe what I like about them.

Before I do, let me note that ships have tiers.  Lower to higher, weaker to stronger.  Currently I have nothing above tier VIII (8).  The highest is tier X (10).

Ship                    Type                    Country

Okhotnik            Destroyer            Russian (tier V)
This ship is pretty crazy.  It was designed on paper but never built.  Experts say it would have sunk in the North Sea waves.  It is long and lean, and has crazy weaponry for its tier.  As with most Russian ships, the torpedoes are, unfortunately, short ranged.  I love this ship for its crazy design and guns, it is a hoot to play.

P.E. Friedrich    Battleship            German (tier VI)
This is a gorgeous ship.  Just fine to look at.  Truth be told, when I select a premium ship it is usually because of a combination of appearance and quirkiness.  :)  This ship is just handsome and also quite capable for its tier.  It's shining assets are its secondary guns which will do serious damage to anyone who dares to come within 8 kilometers of the ship.  The secondaries on this ship have sunk other ships while I was focusing on something else...

Molotov            Cruiser                Russian (tier VI)
This is, as the name suggests, a burner.  Just heaps fire upon other ships as you pummel them with HE (high explosive) rounds.  Cannot take too many hits itself though.

Duca D'Aosta    Cruiser                Italian (tier VI)
Most Itallian ships come with special ammo known as SAP (semi-armor piercing) which is very effective.  This ship has HE and AP (armor piercing) only.  But it makes up for it with generally sound ballistics and speed.  I have regular tier Italian cruisers who have SAP... quite a fun ammo.

Blyskawica        Destroyer            Dutch (tier VII)
This is a fine destroyer.  It was built for the Dutch in Great Britain.  She is fast, stealthy and hits hard.  All around she is good at everything.

Munchen            Cruiser                German (tier VII)
Picked this up recently and am so glad I did.  This was a project that mounted rapid reload rifles on a light cruiser.  She pummels enemy ships with the amount of shells you can throw at them.  Also has decent chance of setting fire with HE, and the AP are above normal.

Scharnhorst        Battleship            German (tier VII)
Oh my.  This is a GEM.  It is often consider as a battle CRUISER not a battle ship.  It is quick, light, relatively low-caliber rifles for a battleship yet... it hits HARD and has excellent penetration for its shells.  It can also take quite a beating and has excellent secondaries on top of that.  This is probably the best ship in my harbor -- just cannot quite compete with tier IX and tier X ships.  But I have thumped tier VIII battleships with this ship.  It is impressive.

Borodino            Battleship            Russian (tier VIII)
OK.  So I have a thing for the French battleships that mount their main guns only on the bow.  These ships are quick, have good armor and great firepower.  When I found out that there was a RUSSIAN version of this... I hopped right on it!  This was a "paper ship"... it was designed but never actually built.  But wow I love this ship.  A lot of people say "don't waste your money on this thing, it is mediocre at best".  But I loved it.  It has 2 fewer rifles that its French brethren.  It has no torpedos, and nothing flashy about it.  But... it has Russian guns.  Russian HE and especially Russian AP is often heads above everyone else for impact and damage.  This ship is no exception.  Yeah, it is sad if you don't get a solid shot on an enemy since there are only 6 barrels and a fairly long reload time, but when they hit they can citadel (that means hit a sensitive part of the ship which damages it more than a normal hit) any other ship!  I love it.

Mainz                Cruiser                German (tier VIII)
This is the bigger sister to the Munchen.  She has the same rapid firing weaponry, more of it, and is built on the frame of a HEAVY cruiser, not a light cruiser.  She can get into it with the best of them even with her smaller caliber at this tier.  Good ship.

Tiger '59            Cruiser                British (tier VIII)
This is another one of those quirky ships that most people stay away from.  Her problem is she has two turrets of 2 rifles for firepower.  And that is IT.  Nothing else.  BUT... these guns are from the tier X ship "Minotaur" and they fire at a rate 3.2 seconds per round.  That is exceptional!  They also have the ability to smoke like most destroyers have, or some Italian cruisers.  Smoking means to lay out a smoke screen that blocks you from normal detection (radar smashes that though).  They are, however, very fragile so getting hit by other cruisers or battleships is not an option.  :)   But I love this ship.  It is scary to play because if you are not paying attention, you will get blown out of the water in a single round from a bigger and badder ship.  On the other hand, it is stealthy, has smoke, and can rip off so many shots that you can take out bigger ships as you chip away their hit points in small but regular chunks.  This ship also cannot "burn".  It has no HE rounds, only special AP rounds.  These AP rounds have a short fuse and will not over penetrate like many AP shells can.  Basically overpenetration means shells penetrate SO well that they shoot out the other side of the ship before they explode... causing little damage to the ship that was hit.  But with the Tiger, the shells are set to explode very quickly on first impact so they explode before over penetrating.

That is it!  Those are my favorite premiums (I have a couple others, and some that I have sold)... honorable mention would be the Exeter, a tier V British cruiser that just sets fire to everything it hits and has decent protection as well.

You may have noticed I have more cruisers than anything else.  Battleships are big power hitters.  Often slow, but also heavily protected from damage, slow to reload guns but when they hit they hit hard.  Destroyers are quick as lightning and while they can shoot at you and cause damage to you, they also have torpedos that unleash terror on everyone else.  :)  Cruisers are like a cross between the two.  Many of them have torpedos (though not as many as destroyers), have guns that hit harder than destroyers but not as hard as battleships, and can have decent armor as well, to soak up or deflect hits from other ships, even battleships.  Cruisers are generally quick, hit hard, can get hit back and survive... they are fun ships to play, but they can also be some of the most varied ships in their capabilities.

Anyway...  if you play the game, find some videos on youtube by people like Carbine Carlito or read the reviews written by whitemouse.  They will show you how the ships play, and review the technical details of each ship.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Remember when?

 Remember when people created on the internet just because they could?

Now everything has a gofundme or some other funding request attached to it.  "Wow these videos are so hard to make and take a lot of my time!  Can you help me by paying me?"

You know what?  If it is your passion do it for free.  Or just don't do it.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Abortion revisited

When the RNA strip from a sperm cell combines with the RNA from an egg cell, that is a person.

That is how I define a person, and how a person SHOULD be defined.  Why?  Because the moment they join a new human being begins developing.  Within hours the pattern of a human has begun building the base blocks, followed by more focused blocks of cells... and so on until the baby comes to term.

The moment of conception is the creation of a new person.

Every person has the right to life.  We don't get to decide whether that person should live or die, every effort should be made to protect that life which cannot fend for itself, and cannot make any decisions for itself.

The embryo is NOT part of the woman's body no matter how much abortion right advocates say that it should.  That is a person.  It has been genetically defined and has begun growing.

There are no arguments that can counter that.

Do they feel pain at that point?  No.  Does that give you the right to terminate their life?

Giving the right to abort is tantamount to saying that random people should have the right over another person's life (an innocent person by the very nature of the fact they could have done nothing to sin against God or commit a crime against another person).  It is saying that "you know what, that person is a bother to me, I will kill him/her."

I am not attempting to lay guilt upon women who have already had abortions.  They have been taught for many years from a young age that abortion is "OK."  They had no way of knowing since so many people in society who speak so loudly and aggressively and have declared it so, that it is still wrong.

Every human being has INTRINSIC value and a BASIC RIGHT TO LIFE.  Every one.  No matter race, no matter how they were conceived.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Life on Venus

 Sound familiar?

It wasn't long ago when scientists found definitive proof of life on Mars.  Turned out that it was natural weathering but hey...

Now we are being told that the compound phosphine was definitely found in the clouds of Venus and that the only way it could get there is from some form of life producing it.

I am not sure why we are so obsessed with trying to find life on other planets.

Anyway, turns out it is not a DEFINITE thing, the phosphine.  So we are spending a bajillion dollars to send not one but TWO probes to Venus to check out that possibility.

The thing is?  Even if they do find phosphine, I am willing to gamble that the crazy hot, acidic, chemical factory of an atmosphere covering Venus has some natural way of producing all kinds of crazy chemicals that could be used by life.  Doesn't mean there IS life.  And frankly whatever life we might find on Venus (if at all) would unlikely be something recognizable (at least not immediately) by human instrumentation since it would have evolved independently and in a completely different environment, even accounting for variation over billions of years.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

2 per cent - covid deaths

 According to the latest Arizona statistics. 2 percent of recorded covid infections have resulted in death.  This is calculated from 849561 reported cases resulting in 17086 deaths.  It should be noted that the the majority of deaths occurred in people who already had physiological issues.  Not that that makes ANY deaths more acceptable.


  • Number of deaths: 49,783
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 15.
  • Cause of death rank: 9


  • number of deaths 17,086
  • deaths per 100,000 population: 2.125

Do your own math.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

What we all know...

President Biden is unable to perform his duties.

American Thinker hits the nail on the head...

 Barack Obama Has Now Been President Longer than FDR - American Thinker

Biden has been in office 2 months now now Russia is challenging Biden, China is telling the US how awful we are as a nation, Ford is preparing to shutdown factories, people are about to lose their jobs, because Biden wants to raise corporate taxes (undoing everything Trump did, all the jobs he brought back home are now about to go away - hey, there is always welfare).

America, you reap what you sow.  Just remember that 50% who elected Biden, you are hurting 100% of Americans, not just yourself.

I just don't understand how people can be so ignorant of the bigger picture, when they think they are the ones with the bigger picture.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Americans by Byron McGregor

 The United States dollar took another pounding on German

French and British exchanges this morning
Hitting the lowest point ever known in West Germany
It has declined there by forty-one percent
Since 1971 and his Canadian thinks
It's time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous
And possibly the least appreciated people in all the earth
As long as sixty years ago
When I first started to read newspapers
I read of floods on the Yellow River and the Yangtse
Who rushed in with men and money to help
The Americans did
They have helped control floods on the Nile
The Amazon, the Ganges and the Niger
Today the rich bottom land
Of the Mississippi is under water
And no foreign land has sent a dollar to help
Germany, Japan and to a lesser extent
Britain and Italy
Were lifted out of the debris Of war by the Americans
Who poured in billions of dollars
And forgave other billions in debts
None of those countries is today paying even the interest
On its remaining debts to the United States
When the Franc was in danger of collapsing in 1956
It was the Americans who propped it up
And the reward was to be insulted
And swindled on the streets of Paris
I was there
I saw it
When distant cities are hit by earthquakes
It is the United States that hurries in to help
Managua Nicaragua is one of the most recent examples
So far this spring, fifty-nine American communities
Have been flattened by tornadoes
Nobody has helped
The Marshall Plan
The Truman Policy
All pumped billions upon billions
Of dollars into discouraged countries
Now newspapers in those countries
Are writing about the decadent war mongering Americans
I'd like to just see one of those countries
That is gloating over the erosion of the United States Dollar
Build its own airplanes
Come on, let's hear it
Does any other country in the world
Have a plane to equal the Boeing jumbo jet
The Lockheed Tri-star or the Douglas-10
If so, why don't they fly them
Why do all international lines
Except Russia, fly American planes
Why does no other land on earth
Even consider putting a man or a woman on the moon
You talk about Japanese technocracy and you get radios
You talk about German technocracy and you get automobiles
You talk about American technocracy and you will find men on the moon
Not once but several times and safely home again
You talk about scandals
And the Americans put theirs right in the store window
For everybody to look at
Even the draft dodgers are not pursued and hounded
They are here on our streets
Most of them unless they are breaking Canadian laws
Are getting American Dollars from Ma and Pa at home to spend here
When the Americans get out of this bind, as they will
Who could blame them if they said
The hell with the rest of the world
Let someone else buy the Israel bonds
Let someone else build or repair foreign dams
Or design foreign buildings
That won't shake apart in earthquakes
When the railways of France, Germany and India
Were breaking down through age
It was the Americans who rebuilt them
When the Pennsylvania Railroad
And the New York Central went broke
Nobody loaned them an old caboose
Both are still broke
I can name you five thousand times
When the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble
Can you name me even one time
When some one else raced to the Americans in trouble
I don't think there was outside help
Even during the San Francisco earthquake
Our neighbors have faced it alone
And I'm one Canadian who's damned tired
Of hearing them kicked around
They will come out of this thing with their flag high
And when they do they are entitled to thumb their nose
At the lands that are gloating over their present troubles
I hope Canada is not one of these
But there are many smug self-righteous Canadians
And finally, the American Red Cross
Was told at it's forty-eighth annual meeting
In New Orleans that it was broke
This years disasters
Have taken it all
And nobody but nobody has helped

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

His tweets were annoying but his policies were sound.

 Welp, it begins yes?  The American people now get to reap what they have sown.  It is not going to be a pretty 4 years.  I am feeling sure that Mr. Biden will not actually make it through his term.  He does not seem well.  I would wager he is also not the one calling the shots.  Puppet regime?

Beyond that they are at it again, trying to please everyone.  Honestly if you (gov't) want to please everyone, please no one, or turn libertarian.  That way local towns get to choose to a greater extend how they want their people to live, what local laws they deem important, etc.

Anyway...  I don't believe Trump SHOULD run again in 2024, unless he can show some common sense and abandon his "twitter" tactics.  I admit I believe Trump did a good job (technically speaking) as president, but he simply offended or drove too many people crazy with his run-on tweets.  They got him into deep trouble.

What else... nothing else, really.  Just felt the need to pop on and drop a note.  Oh, nice to see they (the left) finally started banning books, especially those vile books from Dr. Seuss.  We were due for a nice book burning so I hope to see riots in the streets with huge bonfires fueled by oddly drawn, colorful characters.  Also, looks like they are going to try and oust Cuomo in NY.  Heh.  My goodness this world is spiraling quickly.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Global Warming Revisited

 Global warming is still of primary concern to politicians, world-wide.

And Still I wonder, why?

Based on the amount of greenhouse gasses we are putting in the atmosphere, yes, we can affect the current glaciation period (that is right, we are still in a period of glaciation, an ice age) and extend the current period of non-advancement of glaciation.

First though, let's be clear:  we are in an ice age.  Ice ages end.  Naturally.  At that point all the same fears that are being shared by politicians and environmental activists WILL happen whether we like it or not.  An ice period on Earth is indicated by having permanent ice.  Currently we have 10% permanent ice coverage on our planet and we are in an inter-glaciation period.  In other words the glaciers have receded, but as they did several times in the past 2 million years, they will advance again.  CO2 and Methane are two of the greenhouse gasses we have been pouring into the atmosphere, methane being the more powerful of the two.  While atmospheric gasses are PART of the equation, there is adequate indication that it is not the ONLY aspect of the planetary temperature cycle.

ANYWAY... for the periods from the pre-Triassic through to just 2.7 million years ago, we were in a state of non-glaciation... in other words the Earth was pretty much free of permanent ice.  Yeah, it affects sea levels, it affects the weather, but it does not mean we are all going to die.  The action of spreading information in order to manipulate people and governments is FUD:  Fear, Uncertainty and Dread.  It is a purposeful effort to control and manipulate behavior in people other than the one's spreading the FUD.

As I have said before, I am not against cleaning up pollution... there are far better and more immediate concerns with pollution:  species extinction, poisons that cause illness and genetic damage.  These are evident in the declining amphibian numbers, and in the increase in respiratory illness in people.  These are just TWO things... there are many more.  And they are presenting right now.  Global warming will make it a pain for coastal cities at some point, but global warming in and of itself is not a poison, it is just a pain.  Some people claim it will foster spreading if disease, etc.  But that would occur with carrier migration, and in this current day and age, that is moot since humans travel all around the world, all the time.  We are our own worst enemy... and in the end, disease will ALWAYS be with us.  As micro-organisms continue to evolve to survive, we will keep getting sick...

Alright, I guess I have ranted enough.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


 I've deleted my Facebook and Twitter accounts in the face of all the nonsense that has been going on over the past month.

I was pretty disgusted with the hypocrisy they show... don't even try to hide it, just blatantly flaunt it.

Well, had enough, done with it.

In truth, Google has shown the same in the past, as does wikipedia as do many other internet speech forums.  I wish we could go back to the late 80's early 90's internet.