Friday, June 4, 2010

Does religion cause wars?

I believe a lot of people feel that since there is terrorism generated by muslims, and that something called "The Crusades" occurred centuries ago that religion is the cause of war. Some feel that if religion was abolished that we would be better off, fewer conflicts, etc.

I think that people who believe this are optimistic and have a very good outlook on humanity.

No. If religion was abolished, that is, if no one believed in the supernatural, everything was science, we would simply find something else to fight about; some other reason to invade someone else's soil. In fact, wars are NOT fought over religious beliefs, but religion IS used to control the masses. This is unfortunate. A small group of people who wield respect and authority use it to manipulate people eager to be led when in reality, the reason for aggression is quite simple:

I want something you have.

Sometimes the things "you have" are necessities, sometimes they are not. Water, food, oil, land, power... these are reasons to fight. There are no other.

Crusades were about power over the common folk. Extermination of Knights Templar was about money AND power (what's the difference, right?) as the Templars were basically the foreign exchange bankers of their time.

Terrorism isn't about religion. It is about anger, it is about individuals who feel repressed by society. It's about people who use those feelings to manipulate and control... for a sense of power over something/someone.

Don't be fooled. Just as lobbyists manipulate our politicians with money and FUD, leaders of terrorist organizations do the same to people who are willing to follow them. They use words like "JIHAD" to weakly cover their motives.

I'd love to be as optimistic about humanity as some people are... but it comes down to something we never shake from childhood: gimmee gimmee gimmee, I want I want I want, mine mine mine.

Oh, and I am in no way claiming that I am exempt from this.

That's all. Sorry for the rant.


Unknown said...

Religion causes war. I will use Israel as an example. A state based upon religion - a true theocratic state. They are always at war because the Arabs that were native to the land that the Israelis possess is theirs. The Jews feel it is their land because God wants them to have it. This is a perfect case that religion causes war. They have had wars in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1968-1970, 1973, 1982 & 2006. This does not include the many acts of terrorism they have committed on their neighbors in time of alleged peace.

Mitch said...

Dan, I am terrible about going back and looking at my comments, mostly because I don't expect anyone to read my blog let alone comment.

First, Israel has been under since the Gov'ts of the world decided to grant them territory (well, much much longer than that really) and if you go back and review the history of the region they were attacked first and frequently and are defensive and have an aggressive policy NOW because of that.

Second, no, it isn't religion. It's land, money, face, and many other human foibles that cause wars, not religion.