Saturday, October 17, 2020

On Art

Ugh.  Art.  I love art.  All forms of art.

Unfortunately art has two sides to it:  objective and subjective.

Objectively speaking art does have forms and rules that in general, artists WILL follow for their pieces.  But if their art objectively meets those criteria it does not guarantee that it will be appreciated or liked.  When viewing art it, the subjective aspect of it generally weighs more heavily than the objective aspect of it.  That means artists put themselves through a TON of pain and suffering when it comes to producing works that they may be quite proud of, yet a jury will find not-to-their-liking.  And you could take the very same piece and put it in front of 20 jurors and each juror would like or dislike something different.  Wow right?  What a pain.

On the other hand if multiple jurors cite the same issues, then the artist should consider their criticisms and review that component of their art and see if there is some way they can mitigate that in future works.

Anyway, this is why I am not an artist.  I hear enough of peoples opinions about politics, religion, sports, etc...  Don't need direct criticism of my creativity as well.

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