Wednesday, April 6, 2022

A tale of two ships...

 Still playing World of Warships.  It's a fun game.  I have managed to hit tier 10 on a number of lines now and have even reset my favorite, British cruiser lines.  I am hoping to use the points to build the Ohio or some other special ship.

MEANWHILE... I have procured some special ships from Christmas boxes and after that, out of pocket.  I really would love to be able to purchase the Musashi but it has not been for sale for awhile now.  So I did some research on the so-called super cruisers or battle cruisers.  I remember when the Constellation came out and I watched some people play it and get blown out of the water.  I thought "that's a bad ship."

I forgot about the Constellation, and went on the hunt for a good battle-cruiser-like ship and since I have recently decided to go up the Japanese line, I picked the Azuma.  I had heard both good and bad things about the Azuma... that it was fragile, not accurate enough, etc.  After purchasing it I have to admit I STRUGGLED to figure out how to play her.  I finally watched several videos and saw that the key to success was to play at range and conservatively.  I mean, I kind of KNEW that but when you DO it you sometimes feel sort of guilty.  Anyway, along that vein I had watched a video on 5 underrated/good ships and the Azuma was one of them, but another was the Constellation.  I thought "really?"

Turns out I like the Constellation a lot more (so far) than the Azuma.  Despite having what others describe as "paper armor" I think she handles hits better than the Azuma, at least at tier.  I would not call her tanky, but she can definitely get in there if you are careful.  She is also faster and more maneuverable than the Azuma and can get out of bad situations a little easier.  Finally, her main batteries are very good.  The Azuma's are good too but if any of you reading this have played the Colorado, this ship hits with the same force and is slightly more accurate.

The Azuma is classified as a cruiser, albeit a BIG one.  Constellation is classified as battleship, and she is big, but she really is just a big cruiser.  Her classification is a little unfortunate.  The Constellation was never an actual ship in the Navy, but she was a PLANNED ship.  Her frame became the USS Lexington, a US navy aircraft carrier.  In fact all the hulls made for this cruiser class were converted to carriers.  The ship in game is considered what the original, planned cruiser would be, with some WWII upgrades.

By the way, oddly enough, my best matches so far (for sheer damage) were about the same in the Azuma and the Constellation, approximately 127K.  But for whatever reason, I feel more comfortable in the Constellation.  I feel like a scared rabbit in the Azuma, but in the Constellation I feel more like a sneaky fox.  So if you are looking for a premium cruiser/BB:  despite what you may have heard, I would give both the Azuma and the Constellation a good look, my preference would be the Constellation.

Aesthetically speaking, both ships are easy on the eyes.  Both have strong main batteries.  The Azuma has better secondary guns, but not much better than the Constellation's.  One thing the Constellation has that the Azuma does not have are torpedo launchers.  Constellation has two launchers of 3 torps each.  They can travel almost 10 kilometers and their impact force is between 15K and 16K damage per.  They are useful if you DO brawl with her, but they are also useful to lay down while escaping or being chased.

Thanks for visiting my web log! 

PS -  Forgot to mention, the Constellation has radar as well.  :)

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