Thursday, May 30, 2019

Godzilla: King of the Monsters


So I am a COMPLETE Godzilla fan boy.  When I was a kid I actually went to the theater to watch the kind of corny Godzilla (Showa Godzilla) as well as watching every old one I could find on Creature Feature... etc.

I now own a bunch of them, some unfortunately on VHS so... someday I need to get them moved but, let me just say this about G:KotM... IT WAS AMAZING!

I hate it when people build up a movie, then you go, and are disappointed.  I heard all kinds of good things about this movie and almost dreaded going but... everything I heard was true.  It really was a keep you on the edge of your seat movie.

It was NOT perfect.  There were a few things they could have done better, for example taken a little more time.  Felt like they shortened it a bit.  The other thing that made me want to scream was that they gave VERY LITTLE TIME TO THE OTHER MONSTERS.  There were snippets here and there, and don't get me wrong, the action with Godzilla, Rodan, King Ghidorah and Mothra where crazy good but at the end of the movie I wanted to see more more more.

So here is to hoping G vs. KK will bring that.

Anyway, I do not want to say too much because I like what I like and other people, especially people who might miss all of the 8 zillion plot, character and other back references to the past Godzilla movies... other people might not like that or get those references (which made it extra fun for me... I kept explaining every scene to my wife).

So... 5/5 and two thumbs up for G:KotM.

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