Saturday, May 11, 2019

Work and Python

So I have been "loaned" to another group to help with some development efforts.  For the past month I have been allocated 100% to this project and have been developing a python library of tools, some applications, linux configuration, etc.

It has been SO MUCH FUN!  But it has also been a lot of work.  I don't think I've worked LESS than 10 hours a day since it started.  Some days up to 14 hours or more.  Still...  I hadn't had the opportunity to code in my current position for 4 years, so this has been so refreshing.

Programming makes me feel like I am doing something constructive.  My "normal" job feels like a big paperwork shuffle.  In my "normal" job I do not feel as though I am actually doing anything.  It feels like a lot of meetings, a lot of talking...

So it has been fun to get back into Python.  I hadn't really done work in Python since around 2004.  Since then it was mostly Java, ruby, groovy and some php.  Python is my second favorite language, after Ada, and my favorite interactive language, with the bonus of some pretty good byte-compiled code execution speeds.

Another language I like a lot is Scala.  I am looking into Kotlin as well.  I hear it is a solid language.  Since groovy, scala and kotlin (generally) run on top of the JVM they are performant and have access to the JDK, and all the Java-based libraries you can find.  Good stuff.

My wife has been working on a children's book series that her aunt wrote, she is illustrating the stories.  The first book was completed, the second is in progress.  She is also "pet-sitting" and is having fun with that.  I believe she is saving up for her next pup.  :)

My mini's check engine light came on last week...  I did not worry much about it as it was running fine.  Turns out mini's have a lot of "check engine" issues that turn out to be absolutely nothing as was the case with this one.  It WAS near the time to have my oil changed, so I went and had them run diagnostics and change the oil.  They did nothing else, and the check engine light went off.  So... either it was related to the oil (which came out pretty clear because I am staying on top of it) or possibly the gas cap (which is a frequent trigger of CE lights).  Anyway, oil changed, tank filled and check engine light off... she is purring like a kitten.

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