Thursday, April 24, 2008

On the importance of Fonts

I am a programmer so I stare at an editor much of the day.

I have recently discovered what I consider to be the perfect programming font:  Inconsolata.  It is a font reminiscent of the massive old line printers from the 70's and 80's that were hooked up to your mainframe.  The beauty of the font is that it looks the same on paper as it does on your screen.  It is also quite easy on the eye.

Check it out here:

That let me to think how important a font can be in any presentation.  Fonts in conjunction with the proper use of white space are very important as the proper fonts can reduce eye strain.  Fonts are also important in conveying worth, luxury, importance, etc.

More links:

Next time you are designing a site or document take a little time to fool with your font choice, and font parameters to see what you can do to make your creation easier on the eye.
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