Sunday, January 6, 2019

Fedora 29 So Far

Been pretty darn good.

I had noted previously that it is work to get the NVIDIA drivers working, which I did get done, but because of the order of installing drivers PRIOR to installing Steam I ran into issues.

I installed the Flatpak version of Steam instead and got around the issue of starting.  But then found that the Flatpak version of steam does not quite run as well as the installed version.  But it works and I can game so... I am happy enough at the moment!

One thing I will say is that Fedora holds onto a surprising amount of RAM, more than I expected.  It is not "lean and mean."  On the other hand GNOME on Fedora is even smoother than it is on Pop!_OS.  So perhaps the high memory usage is for good reason.  I don't know.

Not complaining, I have plenty of RAM.  More than I should ever need.

Although, that being said, I plan on doubling that with my next build.  :)


Mitch said...

I should probably note that installing the NVIDIA drivers is not DIFFICULT. Just a little time consuming and kind of bothersome since in other distros it can happen with the press of a button or some even come with the drivers pre-configured, etc.

On the other hand NVIDIA is proprietary and many distros take issue with that and will not make it "easy" to install them.

Anyway, I just wanted to throw out the message that installing the divers is not all that hard. Just requires a few basic steps:
0. if planning on using STEAM install it first!
1. install supporting software as needed.
2. disable GUI
3. disable nouveau drivers
4. uninstall nouveau drivers
5. install nvidia drivers (with 32 bit support)
6. enable GUI
(with a couple of reboots tossed in there)

Mitch said...

My favorite guide...