Saturday, July 6, 2019

Brief nightmare

So in June, the creators of one of my favorite games decided to create a new launcher, presumably more secure or something to that effect.

Well, the new launcher did not work with WINE.  I tried to install Windows in a virtual machine but could not get the accelerated graphics and such to actually work, in fact could not even install 64 bit version of Windows.

So I bemoaned my fate loudly and... wiped linux and installed Windows 10.

I am not a Windows 10 hater.  I like most operating systems.  But I really prefer my linux.  For a week or so I worked with Windows... then I decided to dual boot.  My install setup was not ideal so I needed to start from scratch.  It took me several tries (mostly because I did not want to read "the instructions" and just plowed ahead aimlessly).  On the third or fourth try, I successfully installed Windows followed by Pop!_OS and I am happy.

The downside is that if I want to play StarStableOnline I need to reboot into Windows.  Still it could be worse!

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