Friday, July 12, 2019

Contact Lenses day 4

Interestingly enough, they still drive me nuts when I first put them on but at around 4 hours or so they start to feel pretty natural.  Like my eyes forget they are there for a few moments at a time.  That is a great relief.

It also enables me to experiment a little, focusing on HOW I see with these lenses as opposed to being worried about the itching/pain sensations.

Again, they are different!  They are small and they float around on your cornea a bit.  I can actually SEE the edges because my vision begins to blur a little at them.  When I move my eyes around, depending on how fast or how much I move them, the contacts shift.  I think they want to stay centered because of my eye lids...  so when I turn my eyes left, they seem to shift right a tiny bit.

The break in pair I am wearing, as I noted before, are super weak and I am actually very comfortable sitting at my computer while wearing them.  Screen is crisp and clear.

My permanent pair will be stronger, so I might need store-bought reading glasses to tone down the prescription a bit.

I am VERY happy that I can wear them for a time without the irritation.  I am only supposed to wear them 5 hours a day but I have been stretching it out to 6 or 6 and a half.  I mean, they feel BETTER the longer I have them on, the opposite of the soft lenses.

At work my eyes dry up a bit because the A/C shoots right down onto my head and face... so that is annoying.  But when there is no constant blowing on my eyeballs they feel great.

One other thing I noticed and I think I wrote about:  they are changing my eye shape.  Yeah... so when I take them off, and put on my glasses, my vision is messed up for awhile.  It is weird.

I think the biggest issue I need to overcome is my right eye, upper lid, has a bump near the edge and it catches on the contact.  Doesn't actually catch, but it is hyper sensitive to the edge of the lens and that is about 80% of all my discomfort.  But over hours, it sort of "gives up" and hurts less.  So yay.

That's all for now!

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