Saturday, April 11, 2020

COVID-19 Stuff

No one I know has it or had it.  At least not showing symptoms or had to be tested.  I've spent the past few weeks working from home, and it looks like that will probably extend out another month.  I get out to go grocery shopping or pet food shopping, that kind of thing.  But I am going a little stir crazy.

So to pass the time I play around with some development ideas I have (I am a software engineer) and read...  I bought a nice Python book that is laid out well and covers topics every python developer should consider or know (so far I have been pleased with myself since I already default to many of the things mentioned in the book, when I code).  I also bought and read all of the available "So I'm a spider, so what?" light novels.   It is fun to sit and read them all at once (actually I've read them twice now) and see how the author's style evolves and how the story evolves.  I pre-ordered the next novel due out in July... and we (son and I) are waiting for the anime which is supposed to be released in 2020, though they won't specify when.  Crunchyrole says it is coming so... here's to hoping.

Easter will be weird.  No church, no family get together.  Just our immediate family.  But I guess we need to be wary, since our uncle had/has lung cancer and corona virus could be very dangerous for him.

We bought two new aquariums and have spun one up, and the second one is in progress.  So in that sense, being home all the time is both nice, but costing me money.  :)

It has NOT affected my distro hopping, lol!  But honestly, I am thinking about sticking with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for awhile, if I can control myself.

There have been a LOT of cranky/angry/scared people because of this pandemic who are behaving badly.  I pray for them, for some peace... they really need it.  But anyway... it has been a weird year so far!  That is something I think everyone can agree on, despite religious and political beliefs.  :)

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