Friday, April 10, 2020

Ubuntu 20.04 Screenshot

Just some eye candy.  It is not a bad looking distro.  I have used Pop!_OS for a fair amount of time, and I think this is not far off from that as far as looks go.

Too early to tell about bugs and performance, although so far I have not had a single hiccup (post ubuntu dash) or slow down.

Memory usage appears high in this shot, but I had browsers open, thunderbird open and of course the screenshot utility itself...  but CPU usage has been very low.  But everyone knows, Gnome takes more memory than most other desktops.  To be honest though, Gnome feels more polished to me than any other desktop.

You can see that the CPU usage has remained low and stable, the memory really does not fluctuate much.

All in all it seems pretty slick.

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