Sunday, April 12, 2020

God bless you on this day (and every day)!

Today is the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

His own disciples did not understand that he would resurrect, when he died on the cross they split up and went their own ways, rather dejectedly.  They had expected him to live forever, to raise up the Israelites and to overthrow the Roman (and other oppressors) rule.  God, on the other hand, had a different idea (all along).  His idea was that he wanted to save ALL PEOPLE.  Not just the Israelites, not just the "good people", but all people.

To do that, someone had to pay for that, and then God had showed the people that he would one day bring them ALL back to live with him (that is what the resurrection showed).

Anyway!  God loves you even if you do not believe in Him.  I don't know if you (as a non-believer) can take solace in that or not, but I hope you consider the implications...


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