Thursday, November 13, 2008


My wife has been basically MIA (missing in action) every night for the past week and a half. She is involved in a musical (Oliver) and also belongs to a choral group. The play opens this weekend, so as you can imagine she has been extra busy with rehearsals and such.

This is not a bad thing because I like it when she gets out and does stuff like this. It makes her happy, and we get to see her act.

The bad part is she falls behind on things she would normally do around the house. I did not realize how much clothing we go through in a week. I managed to get the laundry done for her, and cleaned the bathrooms. I also managed to not lose our children and to get them to bed at a decent hour each night.

But I forget that she does these things, along with feed all the pets, vacuum, mop, sweep, pick up after the little ones, shop for food... the list goes on and on. I fear we do not show nearly enough appreciation for all the things she does.

In other news, the transition period for the presidency has begun. I think it is a relief to all involved, including the current president. I think he can't wait to be out of the White House and back to his ranch in Texas, full-time.

I will be heading up to Boston for work for the first week in December. Yay. (I am very happy to HAVE work, just don't like traveling much. Also, it will be COLD in Boston in December. Brrrr!) I will miss the kids and my wife.

On Monday we are traveling up to Flagstaff to see the Mars 3D exhibit. Should be interesting. We'll take the dogs and stay overnight in a motel near downtown, that way we can walk around and visit all the touristy shops.

That's it for now!

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