Sunday, August 19, 2018

Just to keep people on their toes... MX Linux

Solus has been a wonderful distribution to use.  I switched between Windows 10 Pro and Solus throughout the year.

The most recent updates/iterations of Solus have left my system feeling more sluggish and I encountered issues with Wine and gaming.  So I decided to try something different.

Enter MX Linux.

MX Linux does not appear as refined as Solus, neither is it a home grown distribution, but instead it is a low-resource distribution based on Debian Stretch.

I used Debian ages ago, before Ubuntu came out.  It always worked but was easy to break when I went "install crazy."  MX Linux is based off the knowledge and work of two separate teams who worked on MEPIS and antiX.  Both were known to be snappy and ran well on older, slower systems.  MX Linux appears to be a fancier, more fleshed out version of antiX that uses fewer resources than most linux distributions but also provides proprietary codecs, drivers, and a whole slew of applications that are vetted and improved over the Debian repository entries.

I have found MX Linux to be very responsive, and with theming is quite attractive.  I am also able to install and play my favorite game through Wine.  Have not installed Steam yet but I do not foresee any problems.

I had to manually install the most recent version of Thunderbird, other than that, applications are bountiful!  I am about to configure my development tools, install VS Code, RabbitMQ, Postgres, SQLite3 and some plugins for python...  fun times!

On a side note, I destroyed my awesome Vortex Pok3r keyboard via a 24 ounce glass of lemonade.  :(   I replaced it with a new one, with Cherry Reds.  Nice.  I like it, I still think Browns may be the way to go but the reds are nice too.

I will try and write more about MX as I go.

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