Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Race for the White House

The candidates I would like to have seen in the White House are either out of the race or stand no chance what-so-ever.  Of the two main parties, it looks like the Republican candidate is all but announced.  Senator McCain is the obvious choice and is pretty much sweeping the delegates.

In the Democrat race... it is neck and neck but it looks like Hillary has the advantage at the moment.  She took NY and it looks like she will take CA.  I really really really don't want Hillary running for President.  I don't want to see McCain in office for that matter.  I guess basically the only choice left is Obama.  So, GO OBAMA!  Someone needs to dig up dirt on Hillary that makes her look bad to women so she'll stop grabbing all the female voters.

Why not McCain or Clinton?  While I think it is true of most of the candidates, I am pretty certain that with either of them in office it will be "more of the same" in spades.  Corporate interests will be served.  Whether it be oil, insurance, pharmaceuticals or something else, you can bet that Clinton or McCain will cater to their needs.

Ugh.  We are in a real, political mess.  9 trillion dollars in debt, recession, multi-front military "actions" (I will not call this war) that sap our defensive and budgetary capabilities... just UGH!

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